
If only I'd known!

If only I'd known about this contest when I was in high school! I totally would have won. I had this pair of shoes that I bought at Payless that I LOVED. They were fake Converse low tops, white and green and blue plaid. They were made of flannel. I wore them everywhere, and I'm not sure I ever wore them with socks. For a while they were acceptable for school and being in public, but then they started getting holes in them that frayed around the edges and those little plastic things came off the laces and they started unravelling. So then they became my tide pool shoes. I wore them to Little Corona all the time and waded around and got them full of salt water and who knows what kind of animals. And let me tell you, they STUNK. My mom made me keep them in the backyard like a bad pet.

I would have won that contest with them hands down. I finally had to throw them away when the material separated from the soles completely. I've missed them ever since, and I've never stopped looking for a replacement pair. Let me know if you ever see some....


Barbara said...

Oh my gosh!! I had that same pair of Payless flannel fake Converse, except mine were a different plaid: blue and white and a tiny bit of red. I loved them. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

I REMEMBER THOSE SHOES, Kristy! Wow, I HAVE been in the family a long time!

Kristy said...

Payless is the best. Sue, I'm sure I wore them when I took Thomas to the tide pools when he was little. Ask him about it. He'll tell you I almost got him killed!