
So much more than just laziness

I know I haven't mentioned it here yet, but.....
I'm pregnant!
And that's my excuse for not blogging much lately. I've been feeling really tired and pretty sick. This baby hasn't been treating me nearly as well as Judah did, and having to care for a toddler all day is only making it harder. But earlier this week I finished the first trimester, so I'm hoping that things will start looking up soon! Plus, my own personal pharmacist, Ashlee, is coming in from Phoenix this weekend and bringing me a survival kit, so that should help too.

For whatever reason, I haven't felt very safe in this pregnancy, so I've kind of waited a while on telling people. But I had my second doctor's visit today and things seem to be going exactly as they should. One thing that's worried me is that I only gained a pound in the first twelve weeks. With Judah I gained seven or eight. The nurse today told me it's normal for babies to be different (which I knew) and that this is good. I just expected to gain more, since I gave up on watching my diet almost the second I got pregnant and have been inhaling pasta and bread like mad. This baby likes Italian food. This baby also likes Peeps, so it's a good thing it's Easter time.

We also got to hear the heartbeat for the first time today! That's probably the most exciting part of the pregnancy for me, because it's the first time you can actually tell there's something there that can't be mistaken for a vicious form of the flu. I don't look any different yet, I can't feel the baby, so hearing the heartbeat kind of makes me realize, okay, there's really a baby growing in there and it's alive and well. My doctor didn't make any guesses as to whether it's a boy or a girl, because he doesn't believe that you can tell by the heart rate. What scares me more than a little is that he also wouldn't confirm that it's just one baby. There is absolutely no biological, pre-existing reason that I should have twins, but Ashlee's got me scared to death and I'm so afraid that in a few weeks I'm going to be watching an ultrasound screen and saying, "Please tell me that's anything but a second baby."

Needless to say, we're very excited about the prospect of having another baby. Nathan wants another boy, I'd like a girl. So it's a good thing we don't get to choose! We have a girl name all picked out, but we have no idea what we'd name a boy. Any suggestions, peanut gallery?


Wendy said...

Congratulations!! I only gained a pound or so with Cosette during the first trimester, too, but I was definitely pooching out by 12-15 weeks.

So I like the name Josiah for a boy, but that's really similar to Judah. And I'd still use it for my next boy even if you stole it. =)

Kristy said...

Ha ha! Your name is safe. Brian and Ashlee just named their new son Josiah, and one in a family is enough. :) And it is a little close to Judah....

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristy. I just had to stop by and say Congratulations! I haven't talked to you in over a year and you've probably forgotten about me but I read your blog regularly and I just couldn't be happier for you guys :)

Graf Spee said...

Congratulations, Kristy. It's always a big deal to have a child, even if you're already a parent.

Kristy said...

Wow, Shannon! How could I ever forget about you? I actually was just thinking about you yesterday or the day before and wondering how you're doing. I'm so glad to hear from you! I think we need to get together....

Thanks Dan. :) You're right, it's a big deal even though we already have one. Maybe bigger, because this time we have an idea what we're in for. And I keep hearing that two is more than twice the work of one. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you haven't forgotten me :) Here's my email...sbordier@charter.net. I would love to hear from you!

Clint said...

You should name it Clint. It's a good name. It was even considered cool on the show Friends. So yeah, name it Clint.

Kristy said...

Clint, I think that you made that exact same comment, WORD FOR WORD, last time I announced I was pregnant. At least you're consistent...
But I am too. And we're not naming him after you (because you know that's what you'd tell everyone if we named it Clint).

Clint said...

If I promise not to tell people you named him after me, will you name him Clint? Cause I would do that. Really!

Kristy said...

I don't know, we'll think about it... Probably it would help your case if you promised not to tell people he was named after you AND if you promised to contribute $100 a month toward his college education.