
Free (almost) to a good owner....

Isn't she pretty? And yet, STILL no one wants to buy her! She's sitting sadly in the parking lot at Nathan's office with a sign on her windshield, waiting....

A lady called me last night to ask about the Mustang. I talked to her for a long time, and we arranged to meet this afternoon so she could look at it. When we got there she looked at the car a little, then wanted to drive it. That was fine, so we climbed in, and immediately encountered problems. I could have told her she would, but I'm too polite. What it boiled down to was: if you're five feet tall, and you weigh close to 300 pounds, a two door Mustang is probably not going to be the most comfortable car for you. The steering wheel was too low, the seat was too far back, and the seat back was too tilted. All fixable, but she was so heavy that the automatic seat controls wouldn't work while she was sitting in the seat.

It took a while, but she finally got all the things adjusted, and of course it was the car's design that was bad, because "It's fine if you have long arms." Obviously, the Ford people discriminate against the short-armed people. She got the car started and we began to drive, and I discovered that she didn't have the first clue about how to drive a car that's meant to perform. She currently drives a Civic, which is a workhorse and nothing showy, and she drove my car like a Civic. Or something. She said all this stuff about liking stick shift and liking a powerful motor, and then she spent the whole drive making disparaging comments about my car and how it didn't have any pickup. I wanted to smack her. Because OF COURSE it felt like it had no power. It won't, if you insist on shifting into second at 15 mph and third at 20 mph, and never getting it up to a decent speed. I told her she had to be a little rougher with it, because you could demand a lot of it and it would give it to you, and she said "I don't like to be rough with my cars." At that point, I knew she wasn't going to buy it, and I don't think I would have sold it to her anyway. She had no idea what I was talking about. Lady, go buy yourself another Civic.

So I still have this Mustang for sale. I'll sell it pretty cheap, but only to someone who actually knows how to drive it.


Wendy said...

It's kind of like when I drove a minivan for the first time and realized it had more guts than I expected. But I'd only been driven around in it by someone like... that woman who couldn't drive.

Clint said...

I know how to drive it but I have absolutely no use for it. Plus, it pulls to the right. (Or was it left?)

Kristy said...

It's the right, smart alec. But all that means is that you can't drive with no hands...if you're not confident in your knees. I used to drive with my knees and eat ramen noodles at the same time. So, the pulling is not a problem.

Anonymous said...

I know Fords are bad if you have arms like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, but didn't that car come with a seat belt extender when you bought it? Might have helped whining lady.

Kristy said...

Yeah, it did! I think it was in place while she was driving (I've always used it because it keeps the seatbelt from rubbing my neck raw) but it didn't help. Sadly.