
Obsessive personality

I get obsessed with stuff. Does everyone? Sometimes I feel like I'm just weird. And I can hear you all saying, "Yeah, you are." But usually my obsessions don't last that long, they burn out pretty fast. Like that one time that Nathan and I practically lived on blow pops for about six weeks in late 2001, when we were each eating five or six a day, and then we suddenly stopped and I've eaten maybe two in the last six years. I was thinking about my obsessions today, and trying to determine what this says about my personality. Do I get bored easily? Is everything just a flash in the pan with me? I don't know. Here are some of my current obsessions. Let me know what you think.

Morning glories. I plant them wherever I see dirt. I may be the only person in California that does this, since they grow like weeds here and are a total nuisance. My theory is that I'm making up for lost time, since I was never allowed to plant them where I grew up because my dad abhors anything of the vine persuasion, probably because he knows HE'S the one that will have to prune it before it swallows the house whole. I'd probably also love kudzu. Do you think I'd be arrested if I imported it here?

Freezing stuff. I've always felt that anything you're drinking can never possibly be cold enough, and for the last week or so I've been throwing water bottles and coke cups in the freezer, sometimes with disastrous results. Nathan kindly explained to me that water is the only thing that expands when frozen, and that's why I end up with ice an inch above the top of the bottle.

Salami. Not sure why, but recently in the evenings I head for the bathtub with a good book, a few slices of salami and several....

Baby Bel cheeses. They're so good! Eszter calls them chomp-chomp cheese, because of the Pac-Man like shape that the wax takes when you take it off the cheese. I could eat this stuff all day long.

Cross stitch. Never thought I'd get into it, but I suddenly love it, especially since I found some designs that aren't sickeningly sweet on this site. It calms my mind.

Owen. I found the album At Home with Owen used at Lovells the other night, snapped it up, and have listened to the songs The Sad Waltzes of Pietro Crespi and Use Your Words a hundred times each. I can't get over them.

I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of them at the moment...


Ashlee said...

Did I ever tell you how Chara had the same obsession with cold Dr. Pepper and froze my entire dorm fridge?? Actually, I think people with obsessions (albeit "safe" obsessions) are wonderful. They make it so easy to buy gifts...

Kristy said...

I love it! There was a summer that Christi and I were like Siamese twins and spent every waking moment together, and most of those moments we had a freezing Dr. Pepper in one hand and a bag of Cheetos (the real ones, the hard deformed-looking ones) in the other. I still look back with awe at one particular glass of Dr. Pepper: it was a pint glass, and the ice was crushed, and it was JUST THIS SIDE of being frozen, and it was the best thing I've ever drunk. It was like the holy grail. I'll spend the rest of my life trying to re-create it.